Friday, March 25, 2005

Maundy thursday service was so very good; it was like i could just sing at the top of my voice to the Lord, and worship Him whole-heartedly, and sincerely, as hebrews 10 exhorts us to do, to draw near to Him with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. to see his suffering on the cross and everything. and to just worship and worship. i have left the life of sin behind, now all i want is to follow Him.

i can't describe it. it's no use, nothing can describe a worship experience. i want to use my music gifts to serve Him. as e Spirit leads, to write music to allow people to see Him. if, well, the Spirit wants to use me. up to Him up to Him.

anywae i went to record some old song 'Happy' at Sam Chee's house today. pretty fun experience, playing e guitar, with his effects pedal. if any of u want e song, can ask from me. download from here thanks+) it was fun it was fun.

thanks everyone for being nice.
