So many things to thank the Lord for. for His peace and comfort He offers to me now as i submit myself unto my Lord Jesus, to His authority, to yield to Him, to the Holy Spirit, to God the Father. i quench the secret rebellion that has been brewing in my heart that has led to so much instability and a lack of peace in my mind. His way is better, and I believe that. Jesus is my Lord and my King. I'll follow His example. He obeyed and submitted to the Father who sent Him in love for us to die on the cross as our Saviour and our Lord. So I too will submit and obey Jesus my Lord forever in love and gratitude that He has saved me. no more will i think, wah, this isn't good enough, this isn't what, because His plan is better. and I'm going to rest in that. I'm in NS now, life is not so smooth-sailing, i get tired easily. but His peace will be there for me I'm sure.
Because rebellion is of the devil. and there is no godliness or righteousness in rebellion. Only in His authority is there peace. Under His wings i'd find the peace.
And I thank God that today I can tell my department mates about my faith in the Lord Jesus my Risen Lord and yeah it's truly blessed. i'm really thankful. i mean i long to share about my faith and now I had the chance to do so. and i think he's ready. yay. now I have to pray to find out how to share. yips.