Good morning; this is probably the first blog post of 2011, and guess what I have started working. Thank GOD that it hasn't been too bad, I was expecting much worse. Anyway during my meditations today I thought of something which I'd like to share with you.
You know how Romans has this verse, so oft quoted and so comforting, that says that "Nothing can separate us from the love of GOD that is in Christ Jesus our Lord?" It's so true. I was realising that today, when I was praying to Jesus and showing Him how sinful I am, and all that, and striving hard to 'work for him', to do my best for him, to serve him like a slave, but then Jesus turns around and comforts me and loves me, assures me (that I'm still saved despite my OCD), and lets me feel His love. His warm love embraced me, in His gentle whisper and kind words. So amazing.
Which brings me to the other point; how come sometimes we can't feel His love? Or just seem to fall out of it? It's not that His love for us is not always there, it is; it's just that we have not 'remained in His love'. Why? Because, we have disobeyed His commands, be it little things or big things. As Jesus stated:
John 15:10-12:
"As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love. (11)I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. 12 This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. "
How amazing it is; that it shows that firstly, hey, in heaven, there's lots of love (no doubt); GOD loves Jesus; Jesus loves GOD; The Spirit loves GOD; The Spirit loves JESUS; Jesus loves the Holy Spirit; GOD loves the Holy Spirit; it's a triune everlasting bond of love. Okay here so that's the first point;
Secondly, remain in Jesus's love; how do we do so? By keeping His commandments; The love is always there, but when we don't keep His commandments, what happens? note that Jesus still loves us - of course He does [since it is written in Romans that no one can separate us from the love of GOD in Jesus], but see verse 11 - what happens when we "love one another as" Jesus loves us?- what happens is that HIS joy will be in us, and our joy will be complete. Yes. When we love others, we remain in His love, and his joy is made complete in us. it's like, if we fail to remain in His love, notwithstanding the truth that He still loves us, we lose that joy - His joy is no longer in us, and no longer complete in us.
So for the last few nights I have been praying; i have experienced JESUS's love in a real way, both in the office, at home, and everywhere, and He just wants me to love others - yes. I will love. Yes, I must love. because that's what is really what makes me JOYFUL.
I'd like to share something quite irrelevant from this, or maybe it is relevant:
a saturday ago, at my friend's dad's 25th anniversary, he shared:
"women are not meant to be understood; they are meant to be loved."
haha. is that relevant, or just slightly so?
Friday, January 14, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Just got back from Dash berlin - i mean last night, which was quite fun, but I seriously drank too much and today's been bad coz the whole day i've been having super bad OCD and super bad thoughts which just swam endlessly in my mind and it's been so hard to eradicate it. Resolution 1: Never drink so much anymore - the one suffering is you (yes, tomorrow morning).
Having said that, it's been one week since I've started work, and things are a little...uncertain, i guess. i'm not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I gotta have faith that the LORD is in control of the future - and he's got my back. although sometimes you know it threatens to overwhelm us, but the LORD's ways are perfect I've gotta trust them I hope - not that it's easy to let go and let God, but if I don't do it right, then jialat - I will be in trouble since i can't swim: i'd drown.
I've just prayed for the LORD JESUS to get rid of my pride so that He can use me - in my weakness, His strength is made perfect.
here's to the rest of the week!!
oh btw I update mostly on twitter nowadays, since it's conveniently on my phone: so follow me @ceadsearc
Having said that, it's been one week since I've started work, and things are a little...uncertain, i guess. i'm not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I gotta have faith that the LORD is in control of the future - and he's got my back. although sometimes you know it threatens to overwhelm us, but the LORD's ways are perfect I've gotta trust them I hope - not that it's easy to let go and let God, but if I don't do it right, then jialat - I will be in trouble since i can't swim: i'd drown.
I've just prayed for the LORD JESUS to get rid of my pride so that He can use me - in my weakness, His strength is made perfect.
here's to the rest of the week!!
oh btw I update mostly on twitter nowadays, since it's conveniently on my phone: so follow me @ceadsearc