Friday, June 17, 2011

I have to constantly remind myself on how my relationship with Christ is about Him, not me. it's not about how good I am, or how faithful I am, or how many good works I've done, but it's about how good He is, how faithful He is, how loving He is to me, and that realisation must change the way we think and feel and live. It's very easy especially in society and in our 'Asian' mindset to think that we have to 'earn' our love; in businesses, one has to "earn" our keep, our reputation, etc, "have you proven your worth"? Not so with God. God is the one who loves us first. so everytime we face trials and temptations and we think we need to be 'holy' before God can love us, ascribe to God His goodness. Tell Him, God You are good, always good. Believe it. Tell Jesus that He is so good and so faithful. Because he is. It's not about you, is it? And then, His goodness, like a fetter, draws you to Himself. Wholly. Because you can't always live according to your own devices and your own sense of righteousness. Because it is GOD who works in you according to His good will and purpose, and He will finish what He started in you.

So have faith, my brothers and sisters. It is not about you but about the faithfulness of GOD.