Sunday, April 03, 2005

Great songs have great sentiment. it's warm and heart-warming, emotional. sentiment's the word. not extreme emotion, but just a light heart-tugging sentiment. sentiment's the key. i'm trying to write my songs with good sentiment as well, the sentiment that will allow you to feel with others, treat others sensitively, apologise to your mum for being so bad the afternoon before, apologise to God for thinking the world revolves around me, learn to love and be loved again. it's good sentiment, this. that song had it. sometimes i just revisit it and i'm amazed to find out how much good sentiment that song had. no wonder it was popular. it's not lush. it's more bittersweet, charming. that kinda thing. i'm working on another one now which is just pretty good too i'd think. really really really have to work on it. need lyrics!

and words are the key also. words convey so much meaning in them, it's criminal to take them so lightly.