Saturday, April 17, 2010

I had a really interesting conversation with D, whom I haven't met in a long time.
Hello D if you are reading this.

We spent alot of time talking about this whole conundrum called "INFP-ness". It's because both of us are INFPs, and well, sometimes it really takes one to know one. I mean, we INFPs are strange. Wait, maybe strange is too mild a word; psychotic, maybe. If you already don't know, INFP stands for "introvert-intuition-feeling-perceiving" and it's a personality type from the Myers-Briggs classification system.
We began talking about many things: it's quite interesting actually, because you know, there are so few INFPS in this world so once you meet one it's very rare:
a) We see that there is meaning in everything; thus everything seems to be a sign that God is speaking to us. even very very mundane things that most people would find just....everyday happenings. it means we think too much.
b) We get lonely sometimes; even when we're in a crowd with alot of people, we feel like we're alone; distant.
c) we need our own space; when someone budges into our space we feel threatened. yeah - tick - i go through that quite alot actually.
d) We feel genuinely happy when there's good in this world; when people do good to others, it makes our day; and when people are bad to others, we feel urm. angry? i don't know.
e) we try to "feel" and "mean" everything we do and say; we feel BAD when we don't mean it from our heart. i have this problem alot when i'm saying grace. i mean, it's just 'thank you God' but i really want to mean it. so i always have this problem when i'm saying grace. or saying "thanks" when peopel give you things.
f) this feeling bad thing - i told D - is crazy; sometimes you need a defence mechanism. but then again; maybe you don't, coz it's more genuinely who you are.

anyway, it's hard to be an INFP in law school, believe me.

Oh i have started a Soundclick. It has my songs on it.
Do feel free to listen and comment. thanks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Oh, it's what you do to me"
What a superb song. tom higginson is a genius.
(well not really but well)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When the Lord shows you something (through a dream) you'd better listen - you'd better listen the LORD and NOT go your own way.
now i need is a bit of humility to ask the LORD to help me on this.