Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I just had this really really weird dream. Dreams have a way of reflecting your subconsciousness. Oh well.

I dreamt about this girl called X, and a boy called Y, and myself, called S. X is one of the most pretty girls you'll ever meet. She's got the charm of a film star, the looks of a model, and a smile that captivates. Y has the Korean charm about him and everyone comments on how good he looks. The dream featured a boat ride where people, including me, was jumping into the sea in order to swim to the other part where I could start rowing a boat, that looked like a canoe. okay it was a canoe. then X was also rowing the boat, and I was trying to find where she was. oh. but she ran away.
then there was another moment where Y and X were in a circle and X was asking Y who Y found cute in school, and Y actually murmured that he liked X coz X was the one. haha. and X was super embarassed.
And then Y was standing on stage helping the dean of the law school go on stage (escorting her); and he was drinnking Fanta Grape.
And the last scene saw me and my churchfriends watching Phantom of the Opera.

What a weird dream, can someone elucidate what it all means?