But then, yesterday's CELL GROUP sharing has taught me some things about suffering; let me change my views O God!
"9For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, 30since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have."
It is a privilege, indeed, to suffer for Christ; Thus, it says, "consider it pure joy, when you undergo trials and temptations...". So I have to rejoice when I am facing suffering, and am suffering, and am going through all that, because I know that those are gifts from the Almighty God [since the Word has said so].
Indeed in this day and age it is apt to think of suffering as useless, or be bitter about it; or complain. but true maturity comes with accepting that suffering as a gift, and allowing it to change the inside of your soul.