One thing I learnt is how the Lord Jesus loves me intrinsically: not for what I can do, or for the gifts that I have, not for what I can contribute to people: he loves me for me, for who I am, in spite of my weakness, my imperfections, my wrongs.
"while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
meditate on this verse. i'm a sinner. we all are. all of us have nasty sins. but Christ Jesus who chose me to be his friend is willing to say i love you enough not to let this get in the way of our relationship between us. i love you enough to be willing to die for you to get rid of this sin that is blocking the relationship between us. i love you enough to choose you to be mine so that my sacrifice will be yours. and when he says that he loves us it's in spite of our weakness, our faults, our rebellion against God (which is the same as sin). when he forgave that murderer on that cross it was out of a genuine love for that person which is willing to cover up the wrong and forgive; and he forgives.
it seems sometimes like wishy-washy hallmark cards but i know that my God is a friend to the lonely, like me, and he loves me intrinsically.