Saturday, July 05, 2003

There are girls that are just so delicious... they've got this incredible charm about them that makes me swoon. sigh. but I'm a creep, after all...what the 'ell am i doing here? man, it's really that smile that's so heart-warming, it just releases all the good energies in me...i just wanna go and embrace people. just to accost them or something, sigh. delicious. yummy!

okay that was a bit off, hmmz? today was a boring day, stayed at home mainly after guitar and slept, how interesting can it get? tomorrowmust be better, but today was already pretty good, esp the morning, just totally high. haha. wondering what to do if we're jamming tomroow...wanna try recording 'nobody cares', its a pretty good song, a catchy chorus, prolly an above-average guitar riff, lyrics by wen en *but i might tweak it*, a cranberries/poppish style verse: it's pure pop, but who cares?

nothing left to say, eh? music was so cool today though, there was a nice blend, as usual, that's so essential. melodies, more melodies, ahh i love them.

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