Sunday, September 07, 2003

'he is no fool' true, so true. Lord help me to give my all to You, and where You lead i will follow, if You send me. the musical was great, a few weak parts but certainly some really touching moments. yeah. even while being an armchair critic, i was distinctly moved. haha. that was nice. good stuff. for what use would it be for me to gain the whole world but lose my soul?

i have to realise a few things. that God is ultimately in control of my life and nothing can stop that. there is nothing in my life that God hasn't planned for--and the daily bread message that cited the Bible just said it, that tribulation brings perserverence, and perseverence brings character. yeah how true. so i just have to realise that each little trial is part of the growing up process. there isn't any accident in my life that God has missed out, oh, suddenly, oops, that's it, you know, i made a mistake, no-no-no, nothing like that, but He's faithful, so faithful to me. thank all things work out for good for those who love Him, you know, for those who are called according to His purposes.

You did not wait for me to cry out to You...and I'm forever grateful to You

Being so miserable without God just makes me wonder about all the people who don't have God in their lives. i mean, you know you might think it's fluff but really it makes a whole lot of difference, being away from Him or being with Him. no more do you feel lonely, or angry, or frustrated, but you are joyful and happy, you can talk to people, you feel at ease and at peace. it's not like your'e selling-out, but actually He complements your life, after all He made your life! i mean, think about your life. what do you want out of every passing moment? do you know where you're going? or do you really feel so lonely at times? i do, when i am so far away from Him, and that's why i feel so lonely, and how about those who don't even know where He is? go find Him, i really pray, go find Him. Please, no one has to be miserable. hell isn't just about physical suffering, it's about seperation with your Maker, with your Redeemer, with God, that is the real painful thing, really.

'i dont' want to wait, for our lives to be over'--> i'm serious. sometimes it's just too late. why wait.

i'm trying to sell my guitar, on a lighter note. it's a yellow-black les paul junior special, selling for about sgd 600-700, negotiable. condition still good. 1 year old. 2 humbuckers, 2 p-100s. gibson. wanna get a tele or soemthing. haha.


okay will see you sometime. bye.

have fun!

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