I'm in a good mood today! albeit i'm a little dizzy from drinking some milo and combined with playing tennis and being so tired that's a sure combi for zombiefiedness.
ah well. decided on my guitar. it's probably going to be a Fender Japan Tele, which is pretty good, from luther. it has a relaly nice distorted sound that still sings, and plays chords nicely, besides the neck is really comfortable to play barred chords on, being maple wood i believe. visited swee lee today, the jagmaster was interesting but a little metallic; the stagemaster was just rubbish; the cort was okay it had a 24th fret but then the un-acoustic sound is rubbish; the fender mexican tele was not bad but then again the japan one is cheaper. then we went to davis but they sell rubbish there. only the PRS deserved mentioning but it's way above me budget. must thank gangwei for helping me test the guitars tho.
okay. and so i stopped by church , and guess what? they had to rope me in to play for SES coz matt wasn't around. and like the worship singer just started singing one song! so i had to figure out the key which took really long, they were almost in e chorus already, and later on i tried moving back to G when they were playing in A, but he didn't even realise i was trying to switch! arghhh! and like one more song was in another key and it was so messy and all that coz i was so last minute, but i believe God understands. haha.
wrote a christian song just now. something about 'You called me'. sigh. i think the thing about christian songs is that, you've gotta put some imagery into it. sure any praise song is good, but there really are too many songs out there that just say 'Praise You' or 'Worship You' and alll that and it gets really dull sometimes. i mean there are great worship songs that attempt to say somethign in a differnet way, u know what i mean. ah well. i wrote a punk song today also coz i was so punked out with yesterday and stuff....on shopping. haha. wells. the riff and all that. haha.
and i had such a weird dream last nite. it was abt some gal. and like i was playnig pool trying to impress her! and like it was all so werid coz she was wif her family and i was wif my family and we like started talking and it was so weird. i think we were outside a church or somehting. haha. werid alright.
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