Went to MUN'S house today, had fun, played 'PLAYSTATION', whatever you call that, childish as u like...winning 11 and teaming up with mun to beat the rest!! damn cool. scary movie was not bad also. damn funny..dinner was good, mahjong was , well, i just learnt it...so overall a great day.
there was a scandalous section but who cares.
but this blog is not my toilet paper (as the chinese proverb goes, whatever it is)
you know, when people tell you, oh, you're mr personality, oh you're nice, you know what, its just a euphemism. what they mean is that, you look like a dog, you're just lucky your character's okay, so you can get on in life without a bruised eye. it's ridiculous how people comment so much on looks, or emphasise it so much. we're just animals, basically. if that's the point. i don't care, i like the way i look, and if i had plastic surgery, well, it won't be me, wouldn't it? i don't care if i look like crap and be a negative externality to the world, well, the pple who think like that are the ugly ones, inside. God made me like that, i'm compelled to like it. and dont' say that looks are permanent, one can always have plastic surgery, can't he? he can always have facials, or groom his hair, to look like some hunk. but how do you change character? ppl say, looks are permanent, character changes. but you can never change who you really are.
so how? haha. nvm.
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