Saturday, March 20, 2004

Not having posted here for many weeks can mean several things--either, one, my life is too wrecked and too miserable to describe in words (which is really a ludricuous notion, because, well, what can possibly make Shawn's life so miserable, huh?), two, it's completely humdrum (which you wouldn't be surprised about, i believe)...still, the most likely explaination is that Shawn's just too plain lazy to go update a blog which no one reads anyway. you would't believe it, would you?

I'm listening to the classic 'Autumn Leaves'. The wonderful thing about the song is its simplicity. Four notes, three steps leading to one large leap, is a great recipe for a sublime melancholic experience. One imagines the turning of the seasons, sipping on martinis on a verendah watching the leaves fall, and thinking about people passing us by, and experiences that once were. And lovers lost to 'old winter's song'. It's such a warm dreamy feeling that we take along with us on our beach-walks. And at night, when we're at Holland Village sitting on the little bar-gates that used to block cars, there are people walking around. little couples, cute little couples, holding hands, and meeting old friends that once were. at haagen daaz, groups of friends laugh about silly old times, or about the latest gossip. where there was once human warmth in my life, though, all there is are just little autumn leaves, flaky and soon to be grey, waiting to be gathered and thrown away.

I'm hard up because I'm stuck at home with no programs. It sucks. If you're free and you think you might enjoy my company you can always call me. coz this sucks. i'm trying to write songs but they suck. i'm trying to do something with my life but now it's just a bloody transistion point (not just adjusting to being a clerk and being in NS) but also because of my friends, the people i love, the people who walk around my life. they flit and fly back and forth to i-don't-know-where. it's a mess right now because i'm missing out on the plot, definitely.

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