Sunday, April 04, 2004

There's something wonderful abt Wala-Wala. it's almost homely. it's kinda like people just responding to the music and everything's nice and wonderful and people are talking and having fun.

that's what we are all about. people and their relationships and atmospheres. i'lll have enough of being technical and absolutely anal and concentrate on getting the feel, the flow, the vibe. it's not the hard mechanics of life, it's more, the undescribable intangibles.

because when we raise the hooegarden and chill out with your friends and talk all sorts of rubbish you feel high and rather warm and nice. u can get away for a while in a dark little room with nice lamp shades and aweesome music.

on another note, the combo band's doing well. we're gelling and getttng the music in shape, all ready for the police to come visit us.

played soccer and bball today. bball was so-so, made 2 nice floaters tt was really good, but the rest was lousy. in the end it got kinda boring. at least i didn't miss the layups. but soccer was much more fun, although i cramped very very badly. almost 10 minutes. had 2 people to help me stretch my calfs and all, because they were tensing up (both of them), so you can imagine how agonisingly painful it was. until now (almost 5 hours later) i still can't walk properly. sigh. damn.

but i was all over e place. sigh. they had to put like 3 people on me as i wiggled henrylike through their defence. haha. too bad i only scored one, from a corner kick. so many opportunites to score. sigh. nvm i'll be happy providing for people.

why can't people be nice. it sucks. sigh. stress and pressure. the greatest test is not how you act towards me when we're all happpy and partying. it's how you act towards me in stress and pressure and in dire circumstances. will you still be nice.

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