I have been able to savour some really interesting dreams over the last few days. and it's really uncanny. the dreams just seem like reality you forget which is which, and i'd rather have the dreams, really. it's been more eventful than this mundane life i'm living in. sunday's dream was about so many things, about sitting down in this big ballroom and meeting wen en while i catch the attention of a girl, let's just call her X. and later on we played some bball with some greats, and i got my name in the papers: i was the best full-season player. and after that it was off to a holiday, to this really big building with a lift that goes up and down, and different things appear at different stories. there were the houses at e top, a shopping mall in the center complete with shops galore, and we the lift to a floor, and then we found this little palace, or cathedral, and it was sunken into the ground, where only the sloping roof and the pedestral were sticking out. I was with another group of pple, let's just call them J, Z, V, etc. and we wanted to explore it...there were little stone carvings around, decorating the entrance. We decided to go in, but J's parents objected, and later they consented, but it was ominous, something was wrong. And I decided, be careful, any time we will leave.
So we enter the place, and found out there were many artifacts that seemed to have life, that could move, like pop-up and shoot some fire, ala harry potter, there was even a wailing corner with wailing noises. It was easy to like, step on them, to cast them down, and later on after having taken seperate paths we met at the exit to the hall. Some sages/councillors walked by, and J then got scolded, something that went ... 'who's the leader'? 'me'...'did you do anything, leading?' 'no'....J was then scolded for valuing political clout, over actually conjuring and defeating the other powers that had held my other friend hostage. Apparently he had entered the building earlier, but was unsuccessful, on the brink of death, sustained only by the food of another person, it seemed to be fish, but he refused, deciding to pass it back to her and her bf. And we were told by the sages that they loved the person, the 'man of wealth' (okay its jeremy....haha....aka pamelsh) and it was horrible to let him suffer....we magical people have to use our talents.
what a story from a dream. could publish it or something, man.
And on the way to school, we were late, I prayed that somehow we'd get to school fast, and miraculously, just as i thought, how nice it would be if all the traffic lights were to turn green, it did! suddenly all the traffic lights indeed did turn green and later on at ghim moh it was funny coz then i wanted the traffic light to turn red, and it did! well well.
Monday's dream wasn't as bad but some parts were really nice. was with M, D, and this gal called Y, and we were in this room and discussing life, and it seemed as though Y and I wanted to get together, you know, we were tentative, not knowing if we were indeed for each other, liking each other, that kinda thing. and it was so weird, coz we smiled at each other, yet, shyly turning away, it seemed tentative, like, we were trying to test the waters. haha. well. i think it was more than that, but i can't remember now.
and there was something about staying late at a cafe, eating something that looked extremely pale for like 3.80, with D and J, and in the end there was no bus left to go home, so my father had to come over in some car and fetch me back. quite uneventful, i guess, compared to yesterday's! there was something about a song that my bandmate and i were trying to write, some drug addiction song, with the phrase 'head' and 'instead', if i can remember, correctly.
School tody was nice, got a good vibe. mel and addy and sim and liang were all nice and bubblly, and my classmates too, i guess. hmms. pretty good.. too bad i din see any pretty gals. haha. but that's another issue.
Guitar SYF is tomroow, pray it'll be good. hopefully!
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