Wednesday, July 16, 2003

An interesting thought: did you know the real just intonation scale had 3 different intervals besides semitones and tones? it's really interesting coz i din realise it. in fact, a major interval is like 208 cents, bigger than a tone interval that is 200 cents: while a minor tone interval is 186 cents or something, while a semitone is 112.
It's something like that

so like thats y u raise the 5ths, lower the 3rds *since you have to compensate for the smaller interval of the minor*, and lower the 6th (for the same reason) while raising the 5th, since the major is slightly bigger than the whole-tone. interesting huh. and was playing, jamming, on a fretless bass today, sigh, really difficult, playing some trust company and stuff for my friend's audition for some band competition. well done. i'm all tired, after SYF also, which we got silver for...well i'm not particularly disappointed, but ah well, what could have been, ahhhh. hehe nvm got to miss school so that was nice.

okay good nites.

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