Wednesday, September 03, 2003

just played the piano with wen en just now...with our lovely young audience of one...duana. haha. wells. wen en played his version of 'mary had a little lamb', which was rather interesting coz it was minor, and in 3/4, and well he just loves to pervert songs! i still remember his 'be thou my dildo' really long ago, but this one was about the sheep who was black and who killed the farmer. sigh. but it was quite a nice melody i thought. oh wells. some tori amos too. wah that was nice, just spending ur time in the music room away from society playing the piano, how quaint. how bourgeois. too bad my piano never sounded that good. ahhh. we played 'nobody cares', lyrics by him and music by that one has great potential i must add....haha i like it. okay nvm. stop gushing....there was a piano piece he wrote that was quite nice also, and i tried my little tunes that i'm gonna add for my classical symphonic tone poem, the 2nd theme and the 3rd actually it sounds good on the piano also! wen en wants a piano concerto or something..haha that piano probably sounds nicer than the pianist. gees. its like, all of a sudden you're chopin1 haha fat hope=)

okay nvm. i woke up feeling really really weird, coz i just had this weird dream of being at a buffet, and like there were clams going for $1, and mr reeves and purvis were there, and like they had a bottle of wine, and like they didn't want to share any of it with me! how horrible! so i was like throwing my tantrum all over, and like being such a bitch to my parents, to my dad and my mum, and we were like quarreling, in church, and being just a foul-mouthed belligrent boy. my word. when i woke up it was so weird coz i dreamt i quarreled rite, so you could imagine how weird it was to be talking to my mum in the morning. sigh.

the key is in the 'La', the subdominant. it must be tuned perfectly. if not nothing really works haha.

though yesterday it was really nice. it's so nice when the Holy Spirit is with you [the Spirit is always with you, it's just that i guess sometimes you know its more? haha dunno]. it's like, i don't know how to describe it. it's like, joy overflowing from your heart, you laugh, and you just can't help smiling, and everything is beautiful and you're just so happy and you wanna dance and clap and sing 'from the mountains, to the valleys, hear our praises, rise to You' and so on. sigh. it is so nice. the quiet time passage was something from romans about Jesus interceding for us, and how the Spirit intercedes for us. rather nice i guess. and how God already knows whats in our hearts and answers our prayers. how nice eh. yeahh.

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