Friday, May 30, 2003

The RJ rugby team lost to ACJC again, but this time they fought their guts out, their spirit, their 'gryphon strength' morphed in a show of collective determination, and it was mere inches, just two points. What if raihan's penalty had gone in, instead of scraping the bar? What if our conversion had gone in? Such questions could never be answered, and its pointless to ask 'what if'. But the RJC rugby team deserves great respect, for against the odds they pushed and was centimeters away from winning. They kept on going. 13-3. all the way back to 13-11.
Sigh. its sad, isn't it.
Still, it was great going back to the ACJC side. walking around, seeing the people that you grew up with for four years around you, walking to them, shaking hands, talking about how's things been, or just a simple hiez haven't seen u around for ages, and just feeling like you actually belong. It was nice. I'm always plagued by insecurity anyway, when in RJC, its as though they've grown up in RI and this is the natural progression and one's just an import. The difference was really quite clear.

crap. i don't think i'll be able to write a romantic love song anyway. never mind. wrote something today....need some lyrics.

I guess i shall start going back to being myself again. Its been so long away. so long.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

life is so complex, and why can't it all be more simple? it's stifling how we can't ever get pleasure back. happiness. bliss. call it whatever you like. we're escapist, somehow, a tendency to transcend the mere ordinary into something magical. let's stop thinking for a moment.
that's right.
and we'll fly away with our instincts.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

It's sad the way some things have to happen. How there is suffering in the world. for those who know what i'm talking about, then join my thoughts, if not forget it. but I believe God is in control and no matter what hope is so important. But her suffering is over now, and God definitely has a plan to allow suffering, doesn't He.
nostalgic and it's kind of mad. i want summer and all the fun, but then when it's summer and having fun i miss the nostalgia and autumn. what's wrong with me. there's always a clash between the person looking for artistic liberation and mindless happiness. that's the complexity of life, isn't it.

but i was kinda mad today. laughing in that gay hippie manner. swinging around. acting cool. that's the life you'd love to lead. of sweet warmth and bliss and effervescent laughter. haha.