Sunday, April 20, 2008

The LORD Jesus said "My grace is sufficient for you" - and I have to believe it; through the OCD, the bad thoughts, the bad habits, the strugglings with the devil, with demonic powers, the disobedience - it's not over, God will pull me through - God will see me through - His grace is sufficient for me. And He said he will never leave me nor forsake me. I will believe that His grace is sufficient for each day, each moment, as I do the things that I need to, and are required, to do - for He truly loves me; and I know that it will never be the end, because Jesus Christ has already won the victory for me, for us believers, and He will bring me back and through each storm. We've weathered alot of storms together, we can do another round. come on.

on another note, patrick was very kind to mention me in his blog ; that was very kind of him, speaking of my musical gifts and stuff; go read it; but yeah it's really the favour of God upon me in those moments that allow me to write those songs I suppose. It's very tempting for me to claim credit for those things for myself, but I know I can't, because that's just not the truth - the truth was that God was the one who wrote them through me. I remembered the times where I prayed for answered prayers (songs) and He has graciously granted them to me, and I realised it's not just me, but someone else bigger than me.

On another note; I am realising how awesome His creation is ; I was at brussel sprouts for dinner with my famly and the food was lousy; and as i thought of God and how everything was His creation and how everything was made good by Him - "and it was good" - the food suddenly tasted remarkably incredible; the duck confit had so much so much flavour and was really ducky; the mussels and the sauce really tatsed like it used to be; and even the beef had this beefiness and tastiness; ohhh; it was really like in heaven; it was really like in paradise - it was really like so cool and foodasmic (pardon the pun). Was reminded of the LORD JESUS turning water into wine - and then everyone saying this was the best cup of them all - hey, what's there not to love about such a loving and great God?


i shall put up an entry on my food blog, go check.