Saturday, July 09, 2005

Yesterday was fantastic! =) it was one of those days that was like a microcausm of my life.

i started the day feeling very woozy and i went to play tennis with chris, which wasn't very good. haha. lol. just got the ball off at all the wrong angles. lol. went to eat lunch with mel yesterday- hmms. i dunno i was quite off seemed like the conversation din go very well huh it was like hi and how are you - it is my fault mate. sorry. haha. dunno man. kinda like drifting alittle i feel. but well it's fine really.

i was hanging around orchard after that and i was thinking about life. went to darren's house to jam, play ping pong and just have fun -- the scenery from his house is gorgeous! esp when you walk out and the sunset was so nice. haha.

went to wala yesterday , drank some white wine (i like!) and beer. man got a bit high, writing some r n b songs and all that. dancing around to the music. went for a road trip for supper with jeremy darren mark which was really fun! hmms. to geylang to eat dim sum. nice trip man. lots of stupid comments made which makes it interesting ah. huh.

(i dont usually blog about my everyday life coz it gets boring but one has to remind oneself about the good things in life before the dread of monday-thursday).

at home it was really nice. i was just praying to God and talking to Him in a very personal way i suppose. i was reading a blog i stumbled upon about being close to God and i think that's really what i want. so i decided to really put down everything to seek the One who loves me and yeah just talked to Him as a friend, which was really nice. just prayed that He will empower me, He will guide me, lead me away from temptation, etc. just talked to Him as He leads. which was really nice. just worshipping God with the song 'worthy is the Lamb', worshipping Jesus, how grateful we are to Him for His sacrifice on the cross and His love for me- yay. i mean, that's really the essence of what it's all about. worship. putting aside our own pride and all that and just proclaiming that Jesus is Lord and He's God over my life. and i claim the promise that 'no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit'. a little comforting to know the Spirit's there. haha. (i get rather insecure). wrote a song about Jesus' wondrous love. Satan can never get me because Jesus is holding me and even the evil one / evil ones are scared of the very name of Jesus (like the demon was driven out just by Jesus' presence alone in the Bible~!) -- how comforting is that!

it's really nice. sigh. today when i woke up im so energetic and lively and vivacious, talking to my mother loads. and loving each other. praying for London. thanking Jesus for my life. i mean such things there are no parallels. no looking back.

i know sometimes my life goes through stages where im just messed up. insecure. no order in life. but that's not going to happen.
life is beautiful and orderly in Jesus and i'm going to live it this way.

Friday, July 08, 2005

This week has been both joyful and very testing as well=D while there have been moments of security and peace, some parts of it has been very testing. as though the evil one is trying to twist my mind out of shape. but thankfully, as JI Packer said in 'Knowing God', those moments don't last.
God is sovereign and I believe that totally. He's unchangeable. and in His word (which is always true) he gave us certain promises. and i believe i can totally totally cling on to those promises and they'll hold for me because His word is always true. and one of the promises i just thought of today was that he won't allow any temptation beyond what i can bear. and i will just claim that promise and believe in faith that the evil one cannot tempt me or bring me away from God/Jesus. yes Lord that is so true.
and everything's in its right place. God--Father/Son/Holy Spirit is the head of my life and my Heavenly Father. below that comes family and maybe some of my interests such as music. but they're never going to overshadow God. i shall not want, and there is such great order in this system where God is the head-- everything else will fall into place just nicely. it is stable. i'm just going to allow God to work in my life; i trust that He's going to make a way for me and that He loves me and is actively working in me for me for us, and i dont have to worry about where i'm going and all that, because He's always leading me by His Holy Spirit, just as a shepherd leads his sheep.
it's been a great day, today. i wrote a song yesterday about seeking God, and it was stuck in my head a little bit this morning during parade giving me gentle reminders about finding God first in my life--my one desire. afternoon and i wanted to live out what my master Jesus said- to love others. at night was nice because i just found a bit more stability and peace and claimed that promise stated above-- that everything's in the right place-- and watched Fantastic Four which was pretty fun; had supper at the esplande with quek and jem which was really nice. good company and nice atmosphere. nice stability and feeling. yeah. everything's good. wrote a norah jonesque song which i think is pretty useful and nice~ yay=)

tuesday was spent praising God on the piano and singing out to Him. seek God and things will be added to you.
-the ironic thing about a Christian is that we'll enjoy God's blessings, but we won't seek pleasure or happiness- we'll seek God, and everything else will be added unto us, but that won't be our first priority--more of a side-product perhaps? it's a good way to look at it i suppose.

wednesday was spent praying hard for family. and wrote christian song. praying and reading 'knowing GOd' which i think is great.

hope you are fine too!

Monday, July 04, 2005

today was met with lots of physical ailments, but thank God for an awesome quiet time today! praise God. i was just still before God and praying with all my heart, soul, and mind. no distractions. thank God i can be still. and i should really do it before i come online. it's much better that way. prayed the Lord's prayer, i think that's a great way of doing it. it's the way our Lord Jesus told us how to do it anyway.

my spirit sang 'Worthy is the Lamb' with the "chords" in the background. i kinda realise how all three persons of God (the Trinity) work together as one for the same purpose and fulfils different roles in it--The Father elects, the Son redeems, the Spirit seals our salvation.

I thank God for making it clear that I don't need to fear. alot of times i fear, i fear alot of things--the evil one satan, my own sin, my own insecurity, even my own irrationality. but God reminded me so wonderfully in His great mercy that He is always for me and will always be with me-- the Bible text was of Gideon and of his insecurity in fighting the Midianites (i think it was) and how he asked God to show him some 'sign' that he was the chosen one to go and fight and that God would be with him. and the message is, do not fear by having faith in the Lord. and i know that God You're strengthening my faith day by day and i know that with You in control nothing can ever destroy me or defeat me or seperate me from You. so i shall not fear because your perfect love will drive out all my fear.

thank You.