Sunday, October 24, 2004

so I will take up my cross and follow You, O Lord. there's something exciting about this spiritual journey--it is a journey, not just a state of mind, there is a beginning and an end in the far-away future--it's exciting because, well, you'd never know where God is going to lead you. it's just, trusting Him and letting HIm lead. because everyday there is a struggle, but then, this spiritual journey is long and hard, it requires, determination, yes, and a spirituality, a strength; it's not just flippant hedonism or thrill-seeking, but is grounded on solid word, on people, on the Spirit, on tangible things. and it's that tangible thing that i want to find. I find that prayer is so important, especially just praying with all your heart and seeking God, because that's the only way that you'll ever really grow. praying without really meaning it is USELESS. i might as well not pray.