Sunday, May 16, 2004

Epic movies serve to make me feel how insignificant I am in the whole scheme of things; our lives come and they go like the wind, and years from now, who will remember our name? It makes me appreciate how much God loves me, for He is ruler of heaven and earth, and of all the lands and of all the peoples and of the ancient times to the ends of this age, and yet He cares about me. I feel privileged, and how can I take this for granted? Please don't let me; I feel scared to let go--let me cling on for as long as I live. like how the troy priestesses worshipped their gods, whom they never saw; how much more should I love and worship You O God. so many times we take You for granted and let me start afresh by realising that you have plans for me, and how can you work if i don't let You, let You take control, and involve you into my everyday and my everynight?

i need help. lalala.

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