Wednesday, June 09, 2004

People just need to relax. Not to the stage when everything is left on the shelf and life becomes a struggle to finish work; but just enough so that things are completed and yet stress is reduced to a minimum.

One must see it this way.

There are so many hours to do work. And yet the work isn't that much. It's still so manageable. Just do your share, go home, and be happy. we can all be friends. what's with all the bickering and the blaming of each other?

Mistakes will be made, for we are human. we are not God. and the right attitude to take with regards to them is to relax and enjoy the mistakes and ensure they aren't repeated.

because. it's scary to be too good. i wonder how human you really are. we should strive for efficiency but please don't take away our human emotions or love for each other.


and if you read these blogs, i don't think anyone will know what it is all about.

but neither do i.

i'm rambling, but that's good, because things are more honest.


like Sarah said on her blog, hillsongs is really good, and yeah i also remember what darlene said about 'it's not a pretty melody, it's my heart, and my life'. the problem about pretty melodies is that it detracts you from God, because you're so focussed on the melody you forget about who the melody is for. so more important is to focus on God, and if the melody wants to come then let it come.
and i really liked the 'walk humbly, be kind and compassionate' part, too...


the commentary on Ronald Reagan in Time Magazine was stirring in one phrase, that which mentioned his belief that God has a plan for him and all he wants to do is to follow that plan. such faith is so wonderful and such an inspiration. i mean, things happen for a reason. and perhaps the reason why things don't happen the ideal way is because, well, i wasn't made for it. and if i'm not made for it and God doesn't want it then who am I to say I want it?

this is so confusing, isn't it.

you don't get it. but sometimes you can't have it. because if you have it then you won't actually enjoy it, because it doesn't fit your life.

okay so it really isn't it.


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