Tuesday, February 08, 2005

this week has been a good week so far, thank God. i've been reading a new book my prayer session brought me, which is 'Under Cover' by John Bevere. It's a wake-up call to obedience, to tell me to truly be a disciple and to intimately know God. to obey God = to love God, because 'if you love me, you will obey my commands.' what an important thought. there was quite a scary thought from Matthew 7 in how Jesus said 'Away from you, you evildoers! I never knew you!' and sometimes it just scares me and I hope i'll never be one of them. But perhaps I shall just take comfort in the fact that God will not tempt you more than you can bear. Hopefully. Please God.

been playing on the piano again, and i wrote a Christian song which was not bad. quite okay. i realised that usually my pitching is often too sharp and i just have to flatten it in my brain and then the chords on the piano sound full and nice and rounded. too often it just sounds outta tune, because my brain is outta tune. it's maddening. haha. 3rds flattened and 5ths raised are so really important, though. i keep harping on it but yeah.

i am tired but its chinese new year. happy chinese new year!

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