Sunday, June 26, 2005

i struggle with sin. alot of times, we forget who we really are (For me, i'm a child of God) and wander off some lonely path hoping for some instant gratification, but then, we get lost there; we wanna come back, but it's a struggle, to put aside our pride and confess our disobedient sin. and so why should we wander? why don't we learn to keep on the straight and narrow path that God has created for us to walk in, under his cover and protection and authority, being obedient, living by faith and being obedient to his Word, and instead of being so distracted by the things of the world and the temporary temptations of pleasure. i want constancy. i want consistency. that's how i find my identity. i hate this compartmentalising of life that i sometimes do, as though praising God and worshipping is for church times, and in army i can do as i like coz it sucks anywae, and being with secular friends i adopt secular mindsets; that's just wrong. constancy, shawn. that's your identity and it shouldn't change. that's the only way to really walk with God. i am going to be judged for the deeds i do on earth on the whole time.

my soul longs for You O Lord. I am tired of this mundane existence sometimes. it's easy to just be happy about little things. but i realised that nothing else suffices except knowing You.

anyway batch reunion was good; talked to a few good friends i haven't met up with, met up with some ac pple, some classmates, some assorted friends from og and stuff, reminisced about the old times of BBTT. it was a great excursion. the music wasn't brilliant but the spirit was there. that's what matters.

help me God to live for You! To know you is the best thing. to have constancy. not to forget it when i wake up tomorow.

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