Sunday, July 24, 2005

today, three important lessons!
but yeah it's joyful. and i really really want this again! so Lord help me.

1. God wants me to love others. love others, as Jesus has loved me.

2. "be not anxious about anything, but in prayer and petition, present your requests to the Lord...and the God of peace will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (sic)... i mean it was really funny! because i was quietly asking God and listening, and this verse came to mind, and just minutes later the speaker was actually mentioning this verse! how wonderfully coincidental. i think the Lord really wants me not to be anxcious coz sometimes i really am. but God in His infinite mercy has calmed me down with that.

3. and the last lesson is to realise that really, I'm righteous before God, through Jesus Christ my atoning sacrifice for my sin. i mean sometimes the world teaches us that we must do do do alot of things in order to gain merit and gain the bosses's satisfaction and stuff, but with God it's different! Jesus has done everything, He's paid the penalty, He's the atonement for our sin, we just have to accept it! and since i've already accepted it, i was just thinking through it and like wow actually we're really already righteous through Jesus and already forgiven! it's really true joy knowing that the almighty God is happy with you and happy with your life and that now you're a child of God. Jesus has paid the price, we accepted it, now we can live in joy and peace...not needing to do anything to prove ourself, yay. i mean i sin alot and sometimes it clouds my vision of what life really is but now no more!~ i'm forgiven!~ =D

and now really my ears and eyes are opened! i can listen to beautiful music again. i look at the condo and see beautiful things. yay.

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