Tuesday, April 08, 2003

I'm really quite apathetic today, coz maybe tomorow's back to school. Today's rather devoid of any strong emotions and has been spent on computer and history, really. can't wait to get back to school for the excitement, and the people. Yes, the people, the friends, even some of that studying. i can't believe i'm missing the teachers.

Had this really dream about cooking a meal for my future girlfriend (*coz maybe I don't have one now*), and it was some duck thing, i think, I was supposed to roast it or something and we had a discussion about how to cook it, whether to roast it to get a crispy skin as in the cookbook, or to chop it up into some delicious gastronomic delight but risk the failure of it all. I can't remember what I chose, but it was weird alright.

It's these little things, huh. Strange dream that was.

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